RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj - Cluj-Napoca

Adresse: 2-2A, Strada Nicolae Tonitza, Cluj-Napoca 400506.
Téléphone: 0755050403.
Site web:
Spécialités: Agence immobilière, Agent immobilier.
Autres données d'intérêt: S'identifie comme géré par une femme, Rendez-vous en ligne, Services sur place.
Avis : Cette entreprise a 99 avis sur Google My Business.
Avis moyen: 4.9/5.

📌 Emplacement de RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj

RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj 2-2A, Strada Nicolae Tonitza, Cluj-Napoca 400506

⏰ Horaires d'ouverture de RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj

  • Lundi: 09:30–17:30
  • Mardi: 09:30–17:30
  • Mercredi: 09:30–17:30
  • Jeudi: 09:30–17:30
  • Vendredi: 09:30–17:30
  • Samedi: Fermé
  • Dimanche: Fermé

RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj

Si vous cherchez une agence immobilière fiable et efficace à Cluj, RE/MAX Best Partners est une excellente option à considérer.

Adresse et Contact

L'agence est située à l'adresse suivante :

Adresse: 2-2A, Strada Nicolae Tonitza, Cluj-Napoca 400506

Vous pouvez contacter RE/MAX Best Partners au téléphone suivant :

Téléphone: 0755050403

Site Web

Vous pouvez également visiter le site web de l'agence pour en savoir plus sur ses services et ses spécialités :

Site web:


RE/MAX Best Partners offre une gamme de services immobiliers variés, notamment :

Agence immobilière

* Agent immobilier

Autres données d'intérêt

Il est intéressant de savoir que cette agence est gérée par une femme, ce qui peut être un avantage pour les clients qui cherchent une approche plus personnelle et plus féminine. L'agence propose également des rendez-vous en ligne et des services sur place, ce qui facilite la recherche et la vente d'immeubles.

Avis et opinions

RE/MAX Best Partners a sur Google My Business un total de 99 avis, avec une moyenne de 4.9/5. Cela montre que l'agence est appréciée par ses clients pour son service et sa qualité.

Recommandation finale

Si vous cherchez une agence immobilière fiable et efficace à Cluj, nous recommandons vivement de contacter RE/MAX Best Partners. Visitez son site web pour en savoir plus sur ses services et ses spécialités, et n'hésitez pas à les contacter pour discuter de vos besoins immobiliers.

👍 Avis de RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj

RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj - Cluj-Napoca
Teodora M.

J'ai eu la chance de rencontrer Madame Ioana Mărginean, en tant qu'agent immobilier lors d'une très récente transaction d'achat d'un appartement à Cluj-Napoca. Un réel plaisir de travailler avec cette personne qui a démontré comment le profesionalism peut se mettre au service de l'intérêt du client! Préparation des RDV dans le moindre détail, vérification de tous les aspects techniques et administratifs, évaluation des risques associés à la transaction ainsi que l'évaluation de la satisfaction après l'emménagement dans le nouvel appartement. UN RÉEL PLAISIR ET UNE IMMENSE SATISFACTION DE TRAVAILLER AVEC IOANA MĂRGINEAN ! BRAVO ET MERCI D'AVOIR TRAITÉ MON PROJET IMMOBILIER COMME SI C'ÉTAIT POUR TOI-MEME! TOUTES NOS FÉLICITATIONS !!!
Teodora et P FOCONE

RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj - Cluj-Napoca
secara D.

Am achizitionat anul trecut casa la care visam prin intermediul Remax Best Partners si sunt extrem de multumita de experienta.Ioana Marginean a fost alaturi de mine in fiecare etapa a procesului,oferindu-mi suport constant si indrumare,ceea ce a facut diferenta in luarea deciziei corecte.Serviciile au fost eficiente si perfect adaptate nevoilor mele.O recomand cu incredere!

RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj - Cluj-Napoca
Attila V.

Am avut o experiență excelentă colaborând cu această agenție de vânzări imobiliare, iar Beatrice Sima a fost excepțională! Profesionalismul, dedicarea și atenția la detalii de care a dat dovadă au făcut ca întregul proces să fie ușor și lipsit de stres.

Beatrice a înțeles rapid nevoile mele, a oferit soluții personalizate și a comunicat constant și transparent. Cunoștințele ei solide despre piața imobiliară și recomandările bine argumentate au fost esențiale în luarea celor mai bune decizii.

Îi apreciez în mod deosebit integritatea și pasiunea cu care a abordat fiecare aspect al colaborării noastre. O recomand cu încredere oricui își dorește o experiență imobiliară de succes. Mulțumesc pentru tot sprijinul și pentru rezultatele excelente!

RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj - Cluj-Napoca
Ramiro P.

Am colaborat cu doamna Crina Holobiuc pentru vanzarea unui imobil. De la prima intalnire pe care am avut-o cu dansa ne-a asigurat ca totul se va rezolva usor si repede si a avut dreptate. Ne-a impresionat modul in care doamna Holobiuc s-a ocupat de toate pe durata procesului de vanzare, de promovarea apartamentului, solutionarea operatiunilor birocratice si achizionarea tuturor documentelor necesare pentru completarea tranzactiei. Este remarcabil calmul de care a dat dovada in solutionarea oricarei probleme ivite. De un profesionalism desavarsit, ne-a tinut tot timpul la curent cu demersul lucrurilor, a pastrat legatura si cu potentialii cumparatori si, chiar daca a fost plecata in vacanta, a continuat sa se ocupe de tranzactia noastra, facand tot posibilul sa se asigura ca semnarea actelor se va face la data stabilita. In final totul a decurs mult mai usor decat ne-am asteptat si asta datorita dedicatiei doamnei Holobiuc. Recomand cu mare caldura colaborarea cu aceasta agentie RE/MAX si in special cu doamna agent Crina Holobiuc.

RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj - Cluj-Napoca
Owen R.

Stefan listened intently to my wants and needs for the ideal apartment I was looking for. He compiled a list which we were able to view in the office and narrow down to 3 apartments to actually look at. After seeing the second apartment I was made a decision and didn’t even go to the third apartment. Overall, Stefan did an excellent job at listening, sourcing and locating the perfect apartment for me. Stefan is awesome at his job any goes out of his way to ensure that his client is well taken care of sometimes beyond the typical realtor roles.

RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj - Cluj-Napoca
Wilhelm S.

My experience with Remax, and why I cannot recommend them

Over the years, I’ve sold several properties and, with hopes of speeding up the process, I turned to Remax. At first, they presented themselves as professionals who would handle my needs efficiently. Unfortunately, my experience told a very different story.

From the beginning, I noticed an issue that I repeatedly brought to their attention:

- Lack of paid promotion for my property listings.

Each time I raised this concern, I was met with excuses. Despite this, two of my properties eventually sold, and Remax promptly collected their share of commissions.

The latest property, however, lingered unsold for years. I was hesitant, at first, to renew the exclusivity contract, but I was reassured that things will improve, and they will invest extra time and resources, for it to sell this time. Sadly, that was not even remotely, the case. Frustrated, my family and I took matters into our own hands, running paid ads ourselves. The results spoke volumes:

Their unpaid posts garnered around 500 views according to their reports.
Our paid ad, on the other hand, achieved 5,000 views — a staggering 10 times more.

When I confronted them, they dismissed the numbers, claiming paid promotion had no significant effect. Yet, in the end, I found not one but two potential buyers, entirely through my own efforts.

Despite their minimal contribution, Remax demanded commissions. Negotiations were incredibly tough. After rejecting their initial proposal and offering a counter, they continually raised their demands, clearly exploiting my urgency to sell before the contract expired. Ultimately, they even threatened legal action, so we settled, knowing we will both be loosing time, money and effort, should we reach that. I am a private individual, who would have had to battle in court, against a huge multinational with "unlimited resources". It’s deeply infuriating, especially considering how little effort they put into selling the property.

On one occasion, for a property I sold through Remax, the buyers were introduced by another agent. Since these buyers had no signed agreement with that agent, Remax refused to share any commissions, leaving him empty-handed.

In the attached photo, Remax proudly touts itself as a top earner in commissions. Knowing firsthand how these commissions are obtained—through minimal effort, manipulative and abusive tactics — makes me question their ethics.

I have also atteched additional photos, showing their "extra time and resources" that they invested, to make a few phone calls here and there, for which, they at one point through our negotiations, even had the audacity to claim 22k EUR (!!!)

For these reasons, I cannot recommend doing business with Remax.

P.S. One of their abusive tactics — one for which they have reportedly lost many legal battles — is their insistence that commissions should be paid upon signing a promise of sale, rather than the final sale. But what if the final sale never materializes? Not their problem anymore!

RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj - Cluj-Napoca
Anna A. A.

Am avut placerea sa colaborez cu Ioana Marginean, a fost foarte amabila, m-a ajutat sa gasesc apartamentul potrivit pentru mine. Am discutat despre toate aspectele posibile, s-a gandit la toate si a raspuns la toate intrebarile. Recomand cu mare drag!

RE/MAX Best Partners - Agenție imobiliară, Cluj - Cluj-Napoca
Tibi M.

Totul a decurs foarte bine, dna Ioana Mărginean a răspuns rapid la întrebări și ne-a ajutat sa finalizam procesul de cumpărare intr-un timp scurt. Apreciem mult sinceritatea ei din timpul vizionariilor

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